Fund Return 2016-2017

Fund return to 31 May 2017




1 month

Scheme Year to Date

1 Year




CERS Multi Asset Fund




CERS Bond Fund




CERS Cash Fund



-0.7 %

CERS Equity Fund




CERS Property Fund

-0.1 %



CERS Alternative Asset Fund




Investment Commentary

Provided by Appian Asset Management, CERS Investment Adviser

Equity markets continue to hold the top spot as far as fund performance is concerned this year.

Reasonable global economic growth and a solid start to the year for company profit growth has been supportive. Other real assets such as property have also fared well.

Bond performance has been mixed as the expected upward move in inflation (which would be a negative for bonds) has yet to materialise.

Financial markets have to date successfully navigated a number of political risks, but will be influenced by any policy mistakes or heightened geo-political risks should they arise



Scheme Year to date performance is the period from 1 June 2017 to the most recent month shown.

1 Year performance is the cumulative performance of the last 12 months to the most recent month shown.

Multi Asset Fund performance assumes no lifestyling.

Performance shown is net of annual management charge.

The investment choices offered by the Trustee will be regularly reviewed and may be varied from time to time.

Before you choose a fund we recommend that you speak to a Financial Adviser.The CERS Trustee preferred Financial Adviser is Milestone Advisory DAC.  You can contact them or your own financial adviser to assist you to review your investment choices.  You can contact Milestone Advisory DAC at Canal House, Canal Road, Dublin 6, at or call them on 01 4068020. Their website is

If you require further information please contact the CERS Team at

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