How do I switch between investment funds?

If you decide that you no longer want be invested in the Default Strategy, click here for more details of the choices currently available to you.

You can make four free fund switches per year. A charge of €50 will apply for each subsequent switch in that year.

In order to switch your fund we will require a clear written instruction from you detailing the switch. Please visit our forms page to download the "CERS Investment Instruction" form. This form can either be emailed or posted back to the administration of CERS.

Switch instructions are not effective or accepted by the Administration of CERS until confirmation of receipt of those instructions has been issued by CERS. Members are advised to contact the Administration regarding any investment instruction which has not been acknowledged as neither the Trustee, the Scheme nor the Administration accept responsibility for not processing instructions that for whatever reason have not been confirmed as set out above.

The Trustee recommend that members should take investment advice when considering their investment choice.

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